I would like to give thanks to Dominion Voting Systems for pursuing this lawsuit. Love the illumination. But maybe they're not asking for enough moolah? The damage is beyond quantification.

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Describing the actions of Trump, Fox and the MAGA Republicans as the "Big Lie" feels incomplete and toothless. The email water cooler confessions expose an active collusion and conspiracy to deceive the listening public and defraud our democratic process. Rather than the "Big Lie", they are committing the "Big Cheat".

Trump and Fox are falsely yelling "fire" in the movie theater, solely to retain power, influence, and greed. Fox has betrayed the public trust and actively disrupted our civil order and social tranquility. Is there not some criminal responsibility here??

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Something similar to The Fairness Doctrine needs to be created for all media and those holding political office or running for political office. What is so disheartening for me is the number of Americans who watch and believe trash like Fox and the others. Is there something missing in their ability to think? What attracts them to programs like Fox, Limbaugh, et al? They seem so unreachable with truth.

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Watching Tucker is always like watching a SNL skit, but the sad part is I know people who fall for it hook, line and sinker. I hope Fox pays astronomical damages.

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It wasn't long ago that Fox *admitted in court* that its broadcast and its broadcast personalities are "entertainment" not news and "no reasonable person" could take what they say seriously. That did nothing to diminish their antics or their influence. I'm not sure these revelations will be any more effective in limiting their influence among the already influenced.

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Where is the FCC? This is a conspiracy and cannot continue to exist as a News entity in the face of this disclosure. It's about time...

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Am I wrong to see a direct connection from Fox News to the three new Republican members of the House who fabricated their resumes?

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While I would love to be wrong, I expect that the impulse of most Fox viewers, who have committed time and energy to developing particular thought patterns, will be to block the contradictions between public performance and private communiques and resist having to question, alter, or, God forbid, reject ways of thinking or acting they perceive have served them well.

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From practicing law for forty years, I am having no trouble conjuring up theories of wrongful death by the victims of the Big election lies. And maybe add in the personal harms to those whose lives were turned upside down. Maybe we can nickname the legal dance as the Alex Jones Financial Shuffle.

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I'd very much like to see FOX forced to remove "News" from their trade name.

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Close to 2/3rds of Fox "News" total revenue comes from NON-VIEWERS who pay for it because it is a part of their cable or streaming TV package. Spectrum TV customers have an a la carte TV package option that gets them out of paying for Fox, but even if you don't have Spectrum, you have options. Read about them here: https://www.stopdisinformation.org/fnftv Want to bear witness in person to Fox's depravity? There's will be a Feb. 28th TruthOverFox protest in NYC and DC...write here if you want to get help to organize one where you live: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdyet8awwO1e3uyHB3u1kJcH3-NebDqLKTUOsjfuEaErN5Qnw/viewform

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Best news of the week. I don’t think any of these people will age well.

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Boycott sponsors of Fox Spews here: trueUSA.org

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What a tangled web they weave when first they practice to deceive.

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Outstanding analysis as always! Thank you!!

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Fox feeds a hunger we have as humans for the Colosseum. Fox won't go away, but Dominion shows it for what it is, a spectacle to make money and fame.

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