Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

McMorrow’s speech is brilliant!

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Re: CDC's pickle. I live in the NE. I'm afraid of a surge in the virus despite now having been double boosted. I'll wear my mask in crowded places and on public transportation. We just flew back from the Caribbean last week. Everyone was wearing their masks. It was no big deal. How in heaven's name did public health and welfare become this political litmus test? That Florida Trump judge is a nut.

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Mallory McMorrow's fighting spirit passionately embodies the core values that define what it means to be an American in accord with the highest virtues emblazoned in the nation's founding documents; she courageously and eloquently expresses James Madison's "virtue in the people," the essential ingredient in a democracy that works for all the people. In my mind she is a great example of a "Hubbell Hero," an inspiring woman of integrity who isn't afraid to stand up to a Trumpian hate monger when all the rest of the so called public servants kept their own counsel. Thanks for posting that one Mr. Hubbell. The people of Michigan are fortunate to have her as a Senator. A las Barricadas!

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Given the Newsletter’s references these past two days to Charles Blow’s NYT piece “A Biden Blood Bath?”, I wish to respond by reprinting a fellow subscriber’s reply to my comment from another Substack followed by my reply to said subscriber.

Subscriber—“What frustrates me is that working-class voters still seem to think that the political right has their interests at heart.”

My reply—“A few observations:

“Republicans mainly want to fight the culture wars believing, perhaps rightly, that that’s how they win elections. At the same time, Dems largely seem to want to run away from culture issues rather than fighting the culture wars and winning them, on abortion, on book banning, on teaching history…, a mistake, in my view, considering the public largely is on the side of the Dems.

“In the alternative, Dems frequently are quoted as saying, ‘We’re not going to deal with that stuff; we’re going to focus on kitchen table issues.’ Though that sounds good, in the past 15 months, Dems haven’t been able to extend the child tax credit or lower prescription drug costs or improve childcare or raise the minimum wage to $15…, legislation that actually would make people’s lives easier and would be counter-inflationary.

“Fair or not, politics largely is perception, and though Republicans largely have no ideas, their strategy of running on divisiveness, far too often, wins them elections.”

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am a Democrat who is truly interested in Republicans saving their party from tRumpism. I long to be brought back to the days when both parties worked in the best interest of Democracy. I am looking forward to hearing Robert's interview tonight with Gunner Ramer, the Political Director for RAP. In a quick look at their website, I instantly found RAP’s Democracy Grade for GOP Congress members. Including a very organized table for reference, this grade is determined by evaluating members of Congress based on six criteria:

Did he or she sign on to the amicus brief filed along with Texas’ lawsuit to the Supreme Court that sought to nullify votes cast in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia?

Did he or she object to the certification of Electoral College votes from at least one state?

Did he or she make public statements that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 election?

Did he or she vote to hold Trump accountable via impeachment or conviction?

Did he or she vote to create an independent commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection.

Did he or she vote to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.

Once again, Robert is working to show that which is hopeful, rather than the media's incessant doom and gloom wherein they are only concerned about their ratings.


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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

1. McMurrow is strong, articulate, and persuasive ... speech lacking from our President and VP and other Democratic leaders. Is she a future presidential candidate?

2. The CDC is messy, confusing, and I don't listen anymore. Sorry. They've held back from making decisions and when they do, their message changes within days. I am not saying this is fact. I am saying this is how it appears to me. Yes, wear a mask. Then, well...maybe not so much just in certain places at certain times. No, only 7 days quarantine. Oops, no, just 5 days quarantine. Really?

3. I am vaccinated and boosted once. I am almost due for a 4th shot. However, the pharmacies say, maybe others, too, that this 4th shot gives us 2 weeks of immunity at best. What? How often are we to continue getting shots with confusing messages coming from the FDA and CDC? And, aren't our bodies supposed to build their own immunities in time?

4. This is all fear-based rhetoric. Covid or a variation is here to stay. We get a shot once a year and live our lives.

5. Yes, I'd wear a mask on a plane, train, or any crowded place. Still, we need to allow our bodies to fight on their own as they were built to do. I am weary of the fear and people allowing themselves to be filled with terror. This is not life nor joyful living. I am tired and venting. I apologize if I've offended anyone.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mallory McMorrow!

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I call myself the queen of google searches. Silly, of course. But as someone who is still trying to be helpful rather than in-your-face with people, I personally read Today's Edition, etc., and then look for supporting evidence (which I know exists) that will appeal to my northeastern Ohio high school classmates who continue to be good people who haven't fully seen the light yet (IMHO). So, here's a good one to share about the federal judge:https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/judge-who-struck-down-cdc-mask-mandate-was-deemed-not-qualified-by-american-bar-association/

Notice that it has the extra advantage of coming from a Fox News affiliate?

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I just listened to Sen. McMorrow's speech; everyone should. It is non-partisan but very pointed and sets a powerful standard for deciding who is worth listening to and who is not. Almost wish I lived in Royal Oak so I could vote for her.

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Mallory McMorrow who said “ We will not let hate win” speaks loud and clearly what many Democrats are thinking and feeling and I can only hope that other candidates are watching and listening to the overwhelming positive response and step up with similar comments. We need to drown out the hate on local levels. The judge’s decision as you have indicated regarding the mask mandate is a shinning example of what happens in an authoritarian government when unqualified individuals are given power and bend it to support their authoritarian benefactor. Judge Kathryn Mizelle is 34 years old and does not have enough experience to be considered a candidate for partner in her law firm much less a Federal Judge and has political connections to Judge Clarence Thomas and worked for the Republican leaning law firm of Jones Day. Another example of why Democrats need to be in the White House and control Congress. We ,all of us can not let hate win.

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Judge Mizelle's decision is the most egregious example yet of how Congress' abdication of its legislative responsibility impacts all of us. Had the CDC enabling law been updated "from time to time" as most laws and all legislative good sense calls for we wouldn't be having this discussion. We'd also be much less likely to be as fearful of another spike in the level of Covid infections and death.

My frustration with Mr. Biden is not the failure of the BBB, but the administration's failure to follow up by offering the "chunks" of that bill that are widely popular and at least susceptible of bipartisan support. It's as though, having failed once, they've fallen into the media message of being consumed by the upcoming (6 and 1/2 months away) election and decided that nothing can get done. That sort of self-fulfilling prophecy would deserve defeat except, as you say, the alternative is completely unacceptable.

The podcast should be interesting and I hope to join in. Thanks for taking your time to do this.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Although I liked today's column, I hope it is not a harbinger of columns to come. No mention of Ukraine. I have been afraid that as we get closer to the mid-terms, people will start to, not remember, but rather disregard what is going on there in favor of political posturing, "bitching" over gas prices, and the state of the economy. What goes on in Ukraine affects all of those things and the world needs to understand that Ukraine must win this war and provide the source of wheat and beans that are so important to many places in the world.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you once again, Robert. While keeping the incendiary Republicans away from power is crucial in the next election, I must say that I'm disappointed in Biden for 1) not lighting a fire under the apparently soporific Merrick Garland and 2) not working to expand the Supreme Court. While I understand that the latter may be a big stretch, the former is not at all beyond his capacity. Republicans continue careening toward authoritarianism because there is no accountability for them. If Biden could do one thing to restore my faith, it would be to kick Garland's ass.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Wow! What a fantastic speech by Michigan State senator Mallory McMorrow! Go to Hubbell’s letter to find the link.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I can hear you perfectly. It’s a combination of grim updates & marvelous support! Keep it up Robert! Love your spirit! Best to you & Jill

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell


Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow.

Sounds like a poweful message to me, a proud Michigander.

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