Please contact the embassy and apologize to President Zelenskyy. 202-349-2963 -- Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M. St. NW, Washington DC 20007 -- I called, emailed, and will be sending a postcard.
Thank you for the link. Below is the email I just sent.
Dear People of Ukraine,
As an American with ancestral ties to Ukraine, I am deeply ashamed by the belligerent and shameful actions of Donald Trump and JD Vance against your president and Country. You have bravely held the ramparts against Putin and authoritarianism. Now it is our turn after a stunning (and possibly manipulated) election defeat in November 2024.
75M voters voted for Kamala Harris and the rule of law. I know those 75M Americans support Ukraine. I will do all I can support Ukraine and to remove Trump, Vance and all Republicans from our government.
Thank you for the Ukraine Embassy email address. We, the People, are all that's left to support America-what's left of it-and the rest of the free world.
I just sent this via email, and will mail a letter tomorrow:
Dear President Zelensky and Friends,
Please know that the appallingly rude, cruel, and provocative behavior of the U.S. president and vice president do not reflect the sentiments of a majority of American people. I am so sorry you were treated with such disrespect and disdain. For now, and perhaps for the foreseeable future, those of us whose hearts are on your side and who wish to support you will need to find other avenues. I am helping to circulate links to United24 and to Razom for Ukraine. I will donate tomorrow when our financial boycott (protesting our government’s unlawful actions) is over.
I hope that Europe will do everything possible to defend you. Please never forget that our current government does not reflect our nation’s true values and loyalties. I wish you safety, peace, and prosperity as soon as possible, and justice first. You are on the right side of history, and I admire your courage and willingness to stand firm and speak truth to abusive power.
I smiled, but was not totally surprised, to find you here. My own post is just above AS Bermandt's. I replied to her that I will write by post to President Zelensky. I have not yet read the words actually spoken. That will come after I spend tomorrow in the peace and beauty granted to us (for the moment) by the wife of an another president, Lady Bird Johnson, Point Reyes National Seashore. Your letter/email is excellent, and very you.
So far on Pavlovitz, Richardson, Vance, Vindman, Kuo, The Contrarian...still working on it. As soon as I return to FB tomorrow (boycotting everything except substacks today) I will blanket and tag my friends.
yes, and also, I am grateful for his dignity in flushing out into the open air what Trump is really all about. He has turned 80+ years of alliances and international friendship on its himself. This is beyond politics into his personal self-service (protection?). All Americans should be standing up and screaming.
Wonderful idea, Kate. Thank you! I just shared your suggestion on Facebook and will write to Zelensky as well. I also learned of two trustworthy organizations for those of us who want to help Ukraine: United24 and Razom for Ukraine [the latter is **** on Charity Navigator].
Thanks for helping to spread the word. The more people who do speak up, the more power we have. I will donate to both of those organizations. Rebecca Solnit recommended Razon for Ukraine.
Thank you for this. I will share the information as well as writing myself. I'm nauseous and disgusted and ashamed. I don't believe 49.9% of voters think this is the way to treat an ally. At least some of them must be horrified. I hope.
Timothy Snyder also posted links for donating to Ukrainian organizations--at the end of his most excellent essay on today's 5 failures by the White House:
"If you are thinking today about how to help Ukrainians, here are some possibilities: Come Back Alive (Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans), United 24 (the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects), RAZOM (an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians), and Documenting Ukraine (a project that helps to give Ukrainians a voice, also tax-deductible for Americans)."
Thanks for including the links, making it easy to donate. United 24 wouldn't take my credit card, but I will try again, and make a donation to all four. It is important that we give our money as well as speak out. As they say, "Money talks."
Thank you so much for this vital information. I immediately called the embassy and left a message about how sorry I am for how our demon POTUS and VPOTUS treated President Zelenskyy yesterday. I am also beginning a monthly contribution to and to (for their soldiers). I hope others will join me in doing the same, even if, like me, you are on a fixed income and can only afford a few dollars each month. I am hoping the gesture at least will emotionally strengthen those brave people who have withstood so much. They are being attacked by two 12-year-old bullies and the sycophant Rs in Congress!
I just fired off this to both of my senators in Kansas. I'm not very good at this but I cannot be silent.
I can no longer be civil with either you (Roger Marshall) or Jerry Moran from now on after what I witnessed today between President Zelensky, the Orange Lunatic, his sidekick Junior Dumbass and let’s not forget Little Marco. Three against ONE which was utterly unforgivable on the world stage and Zelensky was set up for this berating. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life and neither have you.
Every person in the State of Kansas was sickened by this, but worse than that we were humiliated. Being denigrated by those two assholes is not in any belief system of anyone of good conscious in the state of Kansas. Dwight D Eisenhower is rolling over in his grave along with thousands of other veterans of all wars.
The consequences of this will be long lasting and devastating to the United States for God only knows how long. NO ONE will trust the United States from now on, NO ONE. We will have no allies from now on other than dictatorial regimes and those will be superficial. We just threw away over 250 years of good will in the world, just fucking threw it away. God help us because we are going to need some quick reflection of who we want to be as a country for everyone. Is there a way to fix this? I’m here to tell you there is. It’s known as impeachment for treason against the United States. It’s your job to figure out how that works, not mine. It’s why you have the job you do, so I suggest you do it.
This administration will not last, we the people will take it down if that is what is required. We can do that, or have you forgotten about the Declaration of Independence that states “the people have the right to alter or abolish a government that is destructive to their rights. We have the rights to establish a new government.”
We have power in numbers, and we will use it if necessary. So, what will you do Jerry, toe the line? I suspect that will be your answer. If that is what you do, then we are fucked as a nation because this is worse that 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001.
I will leave you both with this thought, I served on the USS FDR CVA42 in the late 60’s early 70’s and both times when we came home from deployment, I was thankful to be home and see my country from sea off the coast of Florida. If I was serving this country today, I would be embarrassed and ashamed that the (so called) president of my country was such a dick to another world leader who is far and above a better leader than three asshole’s he was sitting with.
You’re all in the same boat with him unless you jump out and swim away. What will you do?
I just saw a clip of Trump speaking later to some reporters and he was obviously ticked off that Zelenskyy only had negative things to say about Putin. That was the root of his anger. I cannot fathom how we get out of this right now. Putin might as well be sitting in the WH. What a disgrace this day was.
Thank you, William, both for your service on the USS FDR and for continuing to uphold your oath by so vigorously engaging with your Representatives. And especialy Thank you for urging Impeachment of this President. Increasingly that appears to be the only path to ending the crisis before it's too late.
Thank you for this great letter! Being polite to these idiots doesn't work. The only thing they understand is, in your face berating. I know, I was in the Army. We are now at war with a hostile (and demented) takeover of the Gov. It's sad to say but if this continues much longer, we will be needing force of arms to stop it. I believe the imminent collapse of the economy will get rid of Trump but JD is much worse. God Bless you and the USA.
Doesn't have to be a long letter. These three words say it all. "Silence is Acquiescence". Our representatives in Congress must speak up and do their best to impeach.
Thanks to the two nitwits in the WH and their pathetic followers we are walking alone into a dangerous future.
Thank you, Bill Corbett. Eloquently stated, and I'm with you all the way. I will be writing a few letters myself, and one is an apology to President Zelensky - an apology for an accident that should never have happened - the one that happened on our election day, that is!
Not all heroes wear capes. Good for Zelenskyy for not bending down to kiss his ass after Trump called him a dictator last week, then tried to deny it yesterday. This is an affront to international diplomacy and world peace, and for the first time in American history, we're the ones at fault. A more tragic display of bombast, conceit, and treachery I have never witnessed. And I lived through Watergate!
The utter stupidity of "Oh, did I say that?" is mortifying. This is a President of the United States?
We know military secrets of UK, Canada, France, Germany and other former allies. They have to be very, very concerned right now about when Rump will leak that information to Putin, and others.
Yes, all of those stolen documents have now been returned to Mar-a-Lago. So much for law enforcement and justice in the US. The documents being returned was just broadcast on Saturday Today.
Today's retreat from leadership of the free world by this President should by itself disqualify him from continuing to serve. It also illustrates the urgency of removing him from office as soon as possible.
We need to lead our "leaders", and work to bring about the impeachment of the President and Vice President, as well as the removal and replacement of Speaker Mike Johnson.
Too many Democrats think Impeachment is not possible because in order to convict, the
cooperation of a small number of Republicans is necessary. But do not assume that this is
impossible. Do Not Surrender In advance. The stakes are too high.
We need to begin the work of persuading Congress to impeach as soon as possible. To learn more details about this please see the latest posts from :
Jerry, I have been and will continue to engage in various acts of resistance, including marching and calling my reps every day (OHIO). I've read and agree with your substack posts on impeachment and I called the Republican senators you recommended. But the fear from threats that Eric Swalwell describes in this article seems like an insurmountable obstacle. Could you please explain how you think this can be overcome?
Actually, it’s simple to overcome — Republican elected officials who fear for their personal safety more than they fear for the safety and future of America, step down and quietly resign. Why stay in office when doing so means you’re putting the long term security of the nation at risk and you’re fooling yourself by thinking you’ll stay safe by being silent. The time will come when your personal safety will still be jeopardized. Leave on your own terms while you still can. If just a few House Republicans will do this, then democrats will have the majority. How much public debasing can one Republican take before they began to crack, how awful it must be to live in those shoes.
Betsy, there is zero guarantee the Democrats will take back the House and Senate in 2026. Trump has brought this Country to the brink of war by siding with Russia and abandoning Ukraine. Trump must be removed by all and any means at our disposal.
We also do not have any guarantee that POTUS will not declare Martial Law and block elections in 2026 through 2028. We must act now! If all of us who believe that POTUS and VPOTUS have committed treason speak up, we can force the sycophant Rs in Congress to go along and at least put pressure on them to resign. Nixon was put in that same position and melted in a puddle in the face of Congress. The cowards who now hold the two highest offices in the land will certainly do the same and hopefully flee to Russia. They both need to go at the same time for us to be anywhere near safe.
I am physically sick over this. I have never felt this way before. Rage, disgust, crushing sadness for Zelenskyy and Ukraine. And the utter unfairness of it all!!!
I called my reps. I posted to social. I will rage some more. I’m ashamed to live in a country who elected these effing jerks to squat in the white house.
This was no “shouting match”. So tired of that reference. This was a couple of thug bullies setting up to attack and humiliate a valuable ally who never had a chance to finish a sentence. Journalists need to stop suggesting it was a heated exchange. It was no exchange.
Great column, passionate, honest and true. Thank you. It's disgusting what we saw in the Oval Office today. And nobody in the GOP is calling them out on this? I could not be more ashamed for my country.
The truly alarming part to me is when Trump expounds, several times, on how “Obama gave you sheets, but I gave you javelins!” The NYT cut this part out in the clip they posted. If Biden had made this sort of crazy talk they would have run it for weeks. That Trump is seriously unfit for office is the bigger part of this story.
HCR has been saying Trump is declining mentally for some time and advised ‘listen to him speak’. This link is a CNN video of the Zelensky Oval Office meeting. Trump has the wrong President, then sheets and javelins??!!
Thank you for posting this now. These are the times when I most need to hear from our strong voices. I’ve never felt so disgusted, ashamed, enraged, and profoundly SAD. I’ve sought feedback from our usual voices and to me, JVL of the Bulwark best expressed it.
I don’t know what we do next, but we have to do something. And could the Dem members of Congress just shout “TRAITOR!” for the duration of the “State the Union.”?? Please. This requires the press, the politicians, the slimy corporations, all of us, to wake the hell up.
Today, some of my Indivisible group and I stood on a freeway overpass for three hours waving the Ukrainian and Pride flags flying from the fencing along with signs adhered to the fencing that said things like Congress Grow a Spine and Preserve the Constitution. We waved to the honking cars with small Ukranian flags. We shared a great experience on a very somber and sad day for democracy and America.
I urge folks to call congressmen and senators, yours and others who are chair or ranking members of relevant committees to register your outrage. Here's a message I left for Hakeem Jeffries (I left a similar one for Sen. Schumer): Mr Jeffries,
I have long admired your eloquence and forcefulness in public speaking, and have fully supported Democrats in every election since my first votes in the early 1970s. Now I need to ask—no, to urge—you to speak up loudly, clearly, and forcefully against what is being done to our country and to the world. Trump and his pals are staging a coup, and quite literally turning our once-cherished values upside down. His and his despicable vice president’s berating of a true patriot, President Zelensky, in front of the cameras this afternoon was a shameful act. It’s been clear since the infamous golden escalator descent in 2015 (and I emphasize the word “descent) that putin has a very powerful hold over trump, and I hope someday it will be known exactly what it is. And let’s remember Helsinki, while we’re at it.
Congressman Jeffries, once again, I urge you and your fellow democrats to call out this disgusting and anti-American regime, keep at it, and don’t stop until this nightmare comes to an end. And maybe, just maybe, you could convince someone from the other side of the aisle to join you in opposition to this disastrous regime.
Please contact the embassy and apologize to President Zelenskyy. 202-349-2963 -- Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M. St. NW, Washington DC 20007 -- I called, emailed, and will be sending a postcard.
Thank you for the link. Below is the email I just sent.
Dear People of Ukraine,
As an American with ancestral ties to Ukraine, I am deeply ashamed by the belligerent and shameful actions of Donald Trump and JD Vance against your president and Country. You have bravely held the ramparts against Putin and authoritarianism. Now it is our turn after a stunning (and possibly manipulated) election defeat in November 2024.
75M voters voted for Kamala Harris and the rule of law. I know those 75M Americans support Ukraine. I will do all I can support Ukraine and to remove Trump, Vance and all Republicans from our government.
Please stay strong.
Thank you for the Ukraine Embassy email address. We, the People, are all that's left to support America-what's left of it-and the rest of the free world.
Excellent message and expresses exactly how I also feel!
Thank you ASBermant, well said. There are also 90 million who did not vote. They screwed us all
Great note! I wrote one apologizing for what they did and expressing support.
I just sent this via email, and will mail a letter tomorrow:
Dear President Zelensky and Friends,
Please know that the appallingly rude, cruel, and provocative behavior of the U.S. president and vice president do not reflect the sentiments of a majority of American people. I am so sorry you were treated with such disrespect and disdain. For now, and perhaps for the foreseeable future, those of us whose hearts are on your side and who wish to support you will need to find other avenues. I am helping to circulate links to United24 and to Razom for Ukraine. I will donate tomorrow when our financial boycott (protesting our government’s unlawful actions) is over.
I hope that Europe will do everything possible to defend you. Please never forget that our current government does not reflect our nation’s true values and loyalties. I wish you safety, peace, and prosperity as soon as possible, and justice first. You are on the right side of history, and I admire your courage and willingness to stand firm and speak truth to abusive power.
With apologies and deep respect,
Hi Cricket,
I smiled, but was not totally surprised, to find you here. My own post is just above AS Bermandt's. I replied to her that I will write by post to President Zelensky. I have not yet read the words actually spoken. That will come after I spend tomorrow in the peace and beauty granted to us (for the moment) by the wife of an another president, Lady Bird Johnson, Point Reyes National Seashore. Your letter/email is excellent, and very you.
Thank you (again), Carol. So far, I haven’t found your post.
Thank you, Carol. Happy to know you're here too. Have a beautiful day in Pt. Reyes.
Fabulous note!
Thank you, Walter
I’ve now called, emailed and will mail postcard tomorrow. Thank you for the contact info. What is happening in our world.
I did the same.
Thank you for this! Will do this weekend!
Me too. Shameful, an ambush setup by two pro-Putin bullies.
Done. I also suggest posting this information on every substack and timeline you have. Copy/paste makes it easy!
I just posted it on BlueSky.
Fantastic! Thank you.
You're very welcome!
I have, and hope you will too.
So far on Pavlovitz, Richardson, Vance, Vindman, Kuo, The Contrarian...still working on it. As soon as I return to FB tomorrow (boycotting everything except substacks today) I will blanket and tag my friends.
I'm just appalled.
That's wonderful!! Thanks!!
Thank you for this. Am sending it far and wide.
Thank you. I felt so sorry for Zelenskyy having to take such abuse. We can't erase what happened, but we can offer some balance.
yes, and also, I am grateful for his dignity in flushing out into the open air what Trump is really all about. He has turned 80+ years of alliances and international friendship on its himself. This is beyond politics into his personal self-service (protection?). All Americans should be standing up and screaming.
Thank you for this! Yet another most shameful day in our history. When will this end????
The American people cannot wait for Congress or the courts.
We need to tell this Putin's puppet "You're Fired!"
Yes, yes, yes, and YES!!!!
Wonderful idea, Kate. Thank you! I just shared your suggestion on Facebook and will write to Zelensky as well. I also learned of two trustworthy organizations for those of us who want to help Ukraine: United24 and Razom for Ukraine [the latter is **** on Charity Navigator].
Thanks for helping to spread the word. The more people who do speak up, the more power we have. I will donate to both of those organizations. Rebecca Solnit recommended Razon for Ukraine.
Thank you for this. I will share the information as well as writing myself. I'm nauseous and disgusted and ashamed. I don't believe 49.9% of voters think this is the way to treat an ally. At least some of them must be horrified. I hope.
Timothy Snyder also posted links for donating to Ukrainian organizations--at the end of his most excellent essay on today's 5 failures by the White House:
"If you are thinking today about how to help Ukrainians, here are some possibilities: Come Back Alive (Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans), United 24 (the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects), RAZOM (an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians), and Documenting Ukraine (a project that helps to give Ukrainians a voice, also tax-deductible for Americans)."
Thanks for including the links, making it easy to donate. United 24 wouldn't take my credit card, but I will try again, and make a donation to all four. It is important that we give our money as well as speak out. As they say, "Money talks."
Thank you! I will do this!
Perfect. Thanks. Tried earlier but couldn't get through. Will try again.
Thank you so much for this vital information. I immediately called the embassy and left a message about how sorry I am for how our demon POTUS and VPOTUS treated President Zelenskyy yesterday. I am also beginning a monthly contribution to and to (for their soldiers). I hope others will join me in doing the same, even if, like me, you are on a fixed income and can only afford a few dollars each month. I am hoping the gesture at least will emotionally strengthen those brave people who have withstood so much. They are being attacked by two 12-year-old bullies and the sycophant Rs in Congress!
Thank you.
Just sent words of support. Thanks for this!
I just fired off this to both of my senators in Kansas. I'm not very good at this but I cannot be silent.
I can no longer be civil with either you (Roger Marshall) or Jerry Moran from now on after what I witnessed today between President Zelensky, the Orange Lunatic, his sidekick Junior Dumbass and let’s not forget Little Marco. Three against ONE which was utterly unforgivable on the world stage and Zelensky was set up for this berating. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life and neither have you.
Every person in the State of Kansas was sickened by this, but worse than that we were humiliated. Being denigrated by those two assholes is not in any belief system of anyone of good conscious in the state of Kansas. Dwight D Eisenhower is rolling over in his grave along with thousands of other veterans of all wars.
The consequences of this will be long lasting and devastating to the United States for God only knows how long. NO ONE will trust the United States from now on, NO ONE. We will have no allies from now on other than dictatorial regimes and those will be superficial. We just threw away over 250 years of good will in the world, just fucking threw it away. God help us because we are going to need some quick reflection of who we want to be as a country for everyone. Is there a way to fix this? I’m here to tell you there is. It’s known as impeachment for treason against the United States. It’s your job to figure out how that works, not mine. It’s why you have the job you do, so I suggest you do it.
This administration will not last, we the people will take it down if that is what is required. We can do that, or have you forgotten about the Declaration of Independence that states “the people have the right to alter or abolish a government that is destructive to their rights. We have the rights to establish a new government.”
We have power in numbers, and we will use it if necessary. So, what will you do Jerry, toe the line? I suspect that will be your answer. If that is what you do, then we are fucked as a nation because this is worse that 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001.
I will leave you both with this thought, I served on the USS FDR CVA42 in the late 60’s early 70’s and both times when we came home from deployment, I was thankful to be home and see my country from sea off the coast of Florida. If I was serving this country today, I would be embarrassed and ashamed that the (so called) president of my country was such a dick to another world leader who is far and above a better leader than three asshole’s he was sitting with.
You’re all in the same boat with him unless you jump out and swim away. What will you do?
William Corbett
I just saw a clip of Trump speaking later to some reporters and he was obviously ticked off that Zelenskyy only had negative things to say about Putin. That was the root of his anger. I cannot fathom how we get out of this right now. Putin might as well be sitting in the WH. What a disgrace this day was.
"We just threw away over 250 years of good will in the world, just fucking threw it away." Amen, brother.
Amen from me too!
Thank you, William, both for your service on the USS FDR and for continuing to uphold your oath by so vigorously engaging with your Representatives. And especialy Thank you for urging Impeachment of this President. Increasingly that appears to be the only path to ending the crisis before it's too late.
Thanks and I say these words because I’m mad as hell, everyone here inspires me to keep at it.
Thank you for this great letter! Being polite to these idiots doesn't work. The only thing they understand is, in your face berating. I know, I was in the Army. We are now at war with a hostile (and demented) takeover of the Gov. It's sad to say but if this continues much longer, we will be needing force of arms to stop it. I believe the imminent collapse of the economy will get rid of Trump but JD is much worse. God Bless you and the USA.
Vance is not only Trump's MimiMe.
He's Trump's insurance policy.
Vance would be even worse.
Trump is a traitor!! We will deal with Vance next.
Which is why we have to get rid of both of them.
And their culture following
You were good at it.
Thank you, it’s become my passion.
Doesn't have to be a long letter. These three words say it all. "Silence is Acquiescence". Our representatives in Congress must speak up and do their best to impeach.
Thanks to the two nitwits in the WH and their pathetic followers we are walking alone into a dangerous future.
You say you are not very good at this, but your message looks absolutely perfect to me!
Thank you, Bill Corbett. Eloquently stated, and I'm with you all the way. I will be writing a few letters myself, and one is an apology to President Zelensky - an apology for an accident that should never have happened - the one that happened on our election day, that is!
💙 it.
Not all heroes wear capes. Good for Zelenskyy for not bending down to kiss his ass after Trump called him a dictator last week, then tried to deny it yesterday. This is an affront to international diplomacy and world peace, and for the first time in American history, we're the ones at fault. A more tragic display of bombast, conceit, and treachery I have never witnessed. And I lived through Watergate!
The utter stupidity of "Oh, did I say that?" is mortifying. This is a President of the United States?
We know military secrets of UK, Canada, France, Germany and other former allies. They have to be very, very concerned right now about when Rump will leak that information to Putin, and others.
Boxes allegedly containing documents from Mar a Lago were loaded onto Air Force One today. Spotted this on Bluesky.
Yes, all of those stolen documents have now been returned to Mar-a-Lago. So much for law enforcement and justice in the US. The documents being returned was just broadcast on Saturday Today.
Straight from the Constitution: this is treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
Whether he's technically committed Treason may be subject to debate. But he's undeniably a traitor and needs to be impeached as soon as possible.
To learn more details about joining our campaign for Impeachment, visit or
Can't impeach. Not enough votes from traitorous Repugs.
He definitely should hang.
Impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach...
Absolutely, ZB!
Today's retreat from leadership of the free world by this President should by itself disqualify him from continuing to serve. It also illustrates the urgency of removing him from office as soon as possible.
We need to lead our "leaders", and work to bring about the impeachment of the President and Vice President, as well as the removal and replacement of Speaker Mike Johnson.
Too many Democrats think Impeachment is not possible because in order to convict, the
cooperation of a small number of Republicans is necessary. But do not assume that this is
impossible. Do Not Surrender In advance. The stakes are too high.
We need to begin the work of persuading Congress to impeach as soon as possible. To learn more details about this please see the latest posts from :
Feb. 12,
Feb. 18,
Feb. 25, https://jerryweiss,
Jerry, I have been and will continue to engage in various acts of resistance, including marching and calling my reps every day (OHIO). I've read and agree with your substack posts on impeachment and I called the Republican senators you recommended. But the fear from threats that Eric Swalwell describes in this article seems like an insurmountable obstacle. Could you please explain how you think this can be overcome?
Actually, it’s simple to overcome — Republican elected officials who fear for their personal safety more than they fear for the safety and future of America, step down and quietly resign. Why stay in office when doing so means you’re putting the long term security of the nation at risk and you’re fooling yourself by thinking you’ll stay safe by being silent. The time will come when your personal safety will still be jeopardized. Leave on your own terms while you still can. If just a few House Republicans will do this, then democrats will have the majority. How much public debasing can one Republican take before they began to crack, how awful it must be to live in those shoes.
Lets wait until 2026 when we take back control of the House and the Senate.
Betsy, there is zero guarantee the Democrats will take back the House and Senate in 2026. Trump has brought this Country to the brink of war by siding with Russia and abandoning Ukraine. Trump must be removed by all and any means at our disposal.
We don't have time to wait!
We also do not have any guarantee that POTUS will not declare Martial Law and block elections in 2026 through 2028. We must act now! If all of us who believe that POTUS and VPOTUS have committed treason speak up, we can force the sycophant Rs in Congress to go along and at least put pressure on them to resign. Nixon was put in that same position and melted in a puddle in the face of Congress. The cowards who now hold the two highest offices in the land will certainly do the same and hopefully flee to Russia. They both need to go at the same time for us to be anywhere near safe.
IF the Supreme Court gives him power over Congress it will be too late.
I haven’t cried in years. I cried today.
My God, Susan, how sad and tragic this is. We cast off an ally in need, and now we are floating, alone, into the abyss.
I wish I could cry. It would sure be cathartic instead of feeling sucker punched every day.
I am physically sick over this. I have never felt this way before. Rage, disgust, crushing sadness for Zelenskyy and Ukraine. And the utter unfairness of it all!!!
I called my reps. I posted to social. I will rage some more. I’m ashamed to live in a country who elected these effing jerks to squat in the white house.
Zelenskyy is a hero!!!
This was no “shouting match”. So tired of that reference. This was a couple of thug bullies setting up to attack and humiliate a valuable ally who never had a chance to finish a sentence. Journalists need to stop suggesting it was a heated exchange. It was no exchange.
IMPEACH Trump NOW before he drags the US into war.
Great column, passionate, honest and true. Thank you. It's disgusting what we saw in the Oval Office today. And nobody in the GOP is calling them out on this? I could not be more ashamed for my country.
The truly alarming part to me is when Trump expounds, several times, on how “Obama gave you sheets, but I gave you javelins!” The NYT cut this part out in the clip they posted. If Biden had made this sort of crazy talk they would have run it for weeks. That Trump is seriously unfit for office is the bigger part of this story.
HCR has been saying Trump is declining mentally for some time and advised ‘listen to him speak’. This link is a CNN video of the Zelensky Oval Office meeting. Trump has the wrong President, then sheets and javelins??!!
Thanks for this. I could not understand what Trump was saying.
Thank you for posting this now. These are the times when I most need to hear from our strong voices. I’ve never felt so disgusted, ashamed, enraged, and profoundly SAD. I’ve sought feedback from our usual voices and to me, JVL of the Bulwark best expressed it.
I don’t know what we do next, but we have to do something. And could the Dem members of Congress just shout “TRAITOR!” for the duration of the “State the Union.”?? Please. This requires the press, the politicians, the slimy corporations, all of us, to wake the hell up.
Today, some of my Indivisible group and I stood on a freeway overpass for three hours waving the Ukrainian and Pride flags flying from the fencing along with signs adhered to the fencing that said things like Congress Grow a Spine and Preserve the Constitution. We waved to the honking cars with small Ukranian flags. We shared a great experience on a very somber and sad day for democracy and America.
I love this. Thank you for sharing it.
I just wrote a citizen's letter of apology to the Ambassador at this site.
Thank you.
I urge folks to call congressmen and senators, yours and others who are chair or ranking members of relevant committees to register your outrage. Here's a message I left for Hakeem Jeffries (I left a similar one for Sen. Schumer): Mr Jeffries,
I have long admired your eloquence and forcefulness in public speaking, and have fully supported Democrats in every election since my first votes in the early 1970s. Now I need to ask—no, to urge—you to speak up loudly, clearly, and forcefully against what is being done to our country and to the world. Trump and his pals are staging a coup, and quite literally turning our once-cherished values upside down. His and his despicable vice president’s berating of a true patriot, President Zelensky, in front of the cameras this afternoon was a shameful act. It’s been clear since the infamous golden escalator descent in 2015 (and I emphasize the word “descent) that putin has a very powerful hold over trump, and I hope someday it will be known exactly what it is. And let’s remember Helsinki, while we’re at it.
Congressman Jeffries, once again, I urge you and your fellow democrats to call out this disgusting and anti-American regime, keep at it, and don’t stop until this nightmare comes to an end. And maybe, just maybe, you could convince someone from the other side of the aisle to join you in opposition to this disastrous regime.