Many clear and straightforward statements in this letter, but the most important to my mind is: -"they know that media outlets will dutifully repeat the lies in headlines and news alerts, reserving tepid skepticism for paragraphs buried deep in their coverage." - There are threats and intimidations to journalists too, but that much we must all know as readers.
Many clear and straightforward statements in this letter, but the most important to my mind is: -"they know that media outlets will dutifully repeat the lies in headlines and news alerts, reserving tepid skepticism for paragraphs buried deep in their coverage." - There are threats and intimidations to journalists too, but that much we must all know as readers.
Many clear and straightforward statements in this letter, but the most important to my mind is: -"they know that media outlets will dutifully repeat the lies in headlines and news alerts, reserving tepid skepticism for paragraphs buried deep in their coverage." - There are threats and intimidations to journalists too, but that much we must all know as readers.