Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This is what I as a Brit living in the uk perceive from across the pond : the thing Trump most fears is Biden staying in the race. He will celebrate mightily if he drops out. And what if his successor cannot withstand the abuse, threats, bullying and lies with which they and their family will be bombarded? What then? Biden did not stop being a great president on Thursday night, and Trump did not stop being a lying piece of +*%**. Keep the faith, I beg you.

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I am keeping the faith. The media jumped all over our president because he spoke in a hoarse voice (he had a cough) and because a convicted felon spewed lies and insults in a loud and rapid manner, to which NO ONE could have responded in the limited time of a debate. This was not a debate at all. It was free airtime for a criminal and a horrible evening for a man who has been working night and day for our country and for the world at large, flying across the ocean, dealing with one crisis after another. Shame on those who would so willingly sell the soul of this nation to a conman and a puppet for Putin.

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I read a book a long time ago about the speeches made in the Lincoln / Douglass debates. They were running for seats in congress; not the presidency. (Douglass won the election.) Each speaker had an hour at a time (instead of two minutes) and several hours passed before the debate was concluded. I believe there was no moderator, if I remember correctly. The crowds brought their lunches and spent the day listening, cheering, and booing. There was even a parade leading to the debate venue. It was great entertainment in those days. Would that we could bring that back in our days.

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It would be so great - for us, the voting public. We'd actually learn something about the candidates! Not so great for the TV people, or the media. Sad.

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Perfectly expressed, Ellen.

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I totally agree with every word you wrote. Thank you.

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I agree completely-Biden is an accomplished statesman and we are all the better for it! A ridiculous "debate" is no reason to fall apart and wring our hands in defeat, He has been an amazing President, knowledgeable, experienced, and forward thinking, Nothing changes that. We need to be brave and willing to fight for what is right, not give up at the first difficult challenge we're facing. Biden is doing the job admirably and he deserves our support. Do not give up!!! Support Joe Biden and an America we want for our children and grandchildren.

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This should be in needlepoint above every Democratic candidate's desk an in every newsroom in the country. It will be in my head for months.

"Biden did not stop being a great president on Thursday night, and Trump did not stop being a lying piece of +*%**. Keep the faith, I beg you."

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So funny, your needlepoint reference… In the family, when things happen, I’m known to say we should stitch a sampler that says, “……” (Fill in the blank), and in our family, we did both embroidery and needlepoint. Superb comment! I’m getting out the supplies as we speak. Maybe we can form a volunteer corps to make samplers, to mail to the proper recipients.

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Katherine, I've said the same in my family, though I have not experience with needlepoint or embroidery, except to admire. Our son does needlepoint to relax and keep hands flexible. (He's a colon and rectal surgeon). Have to make Ann's statement a tad shorter somehow, but if this noivousness (Brooklynese) about the DEBATE continue, might be wise to get volunteers to make them for Democratic Office holders, but postcards are probably more worthwhile. But a t-shirt........?

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Yes!!! I think we will design a postcard with a needlepoint graphic… Seek permission to use the quote…

Love the thought of the small handiwork to keep the surgeon’s hands agile.


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I'd love to order some of those postcards.

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Yes, a thousand times over! I hope leaders of the Democratic Party are reading this!

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I feel very honoured by your comment. The +*^++ is not compulsory!

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OK, I took screenshots of this thread so I can refer to it to create a graphic of your quote, the portion of your commentary being suggested for a sampler. The symbols… Not compulsory. Lol may we be blessed with your permission? This could be a thing. I heard on NPR when Covid hit and masks simply were not available as we needed, a woman in the SF Bay Area organized a team of seamstresses, mainly Asian women, who scrounged for all kinds of fabric to simply make masks! I should’ve saved the story. The group had a name. The elastic they used was scrounged as well from anything that could be used. So these grassroots movements can really happen. While I feel challenged for time because of some heavy demands in the family, some things just can’t wait so I’ll try not to have this on the back burner for long, will aim to come through!

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or bumper stickers!

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Call me a wimp, but in this day of short fuses and extreme hateful division, I’ve been cautious about bumper stickers… Would not want the car to be keyed or worse. I am unabashed to exhort VOTE!!! because no partisan slant is involved. Wearing a shirt or button or badge is one thing… But leaving the car parked somewhere… I’ve been chicken. Please forgive me.

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Instead of postcards we can embroider pillows etc and send them out.

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Quantity over quality probably… But a few handmade items are not a bad idea… Keepsakes even… By happenstance I came by a small needlepoint pillow, 3”x4”, stitched by Jim Henson’s aunt… She gave it to the mother of a friend who passed it on to me. Funny, these things…

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Please, feel free. Glad to help. DM me if you feel the need.

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Okay, when I touch each of your names, it takes me to a respective Substack page, but I’m not sure I’m seeing your emails properly… so…how can we exchange contact information, so if I really follow through, I can be back in touch with you? Ann Higgins and Patrick E White specifically.

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Just sent you a DM.

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We said and do you have the Tee Shirts ready.

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Very astute.

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I can't think of anyone better for the job at this point in time. Biden had an off night. He's human... timing was not what I had hoped for. For some reason we expect Biden to be perfect, no down moments or gaffs. I don't agree with everything, but I don't have all the information either. I have to trust Biden. Over all Biden is an experienced politician and statesman. He has a good heart and mind. He has wonderful people working for him AND he listens to them. He has been/is a great President. Who would you have run in his place?

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Thank you so much, Ann, for your astute comment and support from the UK.

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Thank you Ann, and thank you to everyone for liking and commenting here to promote this comment to the top. I was getting so weary of the ageist Biden bashers yesterday, who clearly allowed themselves to be driven by MSM punditry.

Biden/Harris 2024

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I'm not ready to write President Biden's epitaph, but I'd gladly write Felonious Trump's: "Here Lies."

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Seems odd to me how many felt that Trump did better by throwing crap all over like an enraged chimpanzee at the zoo. The standard for the orange faced lunatic is set so low that he thinks he won. A festering sore is not a beauty mark.

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Ann, you have a much better understanding and assessment of the political situation in the USA than do many US citizens. Thank you for your heartfelt support of our current President!

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You are very kind. Thank you.

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Thanks Ann. I’ve said elsewhere that people in other countries often have a better grasp of our politics than we do. Much appreciated.

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Thanks Kay-El.

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This is an excellent summary. Thank you.

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Thank you for that Ann. Much appreciated.

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The media loves chaos. Winning this election requires poise and consistency in the face of that chaos. Stay the course, stick to the facts, highlight the choice between the candidates, and get out the vote. I’m grateful RBH is delivering the message.

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After 36 hours, here's where I'm at: Should we be thinking about replacing President Biden? Absolutely not! Should we be thinking about contingency plans and the future? Absolutely! Even at his worst, President Biden is far better for our country and the world than Felonious Trump is at his best.

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What ? Trump has no "best" sir. None!

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Despite the polls, despite all the BS, Trump is the worst candidate of all time. If we work, a yellow dog can beat Trump.

I just doubled down on my contribution to the FT 6 TextArcade. Object: sunset Rick Scott. Has a 34% favorability rating. That group must not know much about him. Largest fine for Medicare fraud in history. Wants to "sunset" all benefits.

Plus he's ugly, supports a guy who hates dogs and stole from kids with cancer, assaulted women, and was convicted of 34 felonies.


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And Cruz. And Hawley. And any other House member or Senator with an "R" next to his or her name!

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Trump has a "best" in the sense of he's best at being worst.... He's very canny and not yet senile, as he proved with his Thurs gaslighting while looking like a Mussolini Cheshire Cat. After Thurs night, I find him more dangerous than ever, as he appeared very Intentional. But his instincts are still fascist even if it's performative.

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He actually is senile. It's just hard to tell because it's so normal for him.

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I struggled with that, Jim, but concluded that it's all relative, and Felonious Trump is relatively useless.

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Understood Bob. Only. In Donald's Dystopian world can a man have no best at anything at all. Nothing ! He only has Bad, Worse, and Worst. We're in the fight of our lives, no doubt. Perseverance is key to preservation, and every ounce of energy we can find in that interest is vital. Good educators call that 'Constancy of Purpose.'

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If we were smart we would use this time and situation to rally the troops especially those who are not engaged in the battle. We lose if Trump wins and so does the country.

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I agree, but contingency planning and thinking about the future don't preclude that effort and can in fact support it. All are elements of business continuity.

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True but the Biden administration must go for the jugular and not be nice guys.

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You've got that right! Gloves gotta come off. It looked like a WWE match the other day. It needs to look more like MMA!

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Here is what I wrote to my three Democratic representatives yesterday (when sending to my House Rep, I changed "Senator" to "Congresswoman"):

Hey, Team.

“Biden had a bad night. Trump had a bad presidency.” -Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA)

I am solidly behind President Biden and his democratic presidency. I am asking the Senator to continue to support him as well.

As one "fan" put it: Let's keep calm and campaign on!

Many thanks; be well; stay strong; stay safe.


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As one friend put it: one hoarse man vs one horse’s ass.

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Reminds me of a meme I came up with a couple of years ago: "When you hitch your wagon behind a horse's a$$, don't be surprised if you wind up eating a lot of horse$#!+."

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Brilliant quote!

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This made me laugh out loud. We have to keep our sense of humor and our heads above water-water being the disinformation pool.

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My favorite so far!

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Your friend is absolutely right.

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Nice, Lynell! I particularly like your lead-in with Josh Shapiro's quote. He's somebody to keep an eye on for the future.

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Josh is a great governor I live in Pennsylvania and I’m very impressed with him

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I live next door in NJ, and think he's great!

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PA resident also, I’m proud to say Josh Shapiro is our governor. There’s lots to forward to with him.

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Thanks, Bob. Means a lot coming from you!

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Trump had a bad presidency indeed.

The Decoding Fox News substack did an excellent deep-dive on Trump's lies during the debate.

"Donald J. Trump lied, exaggerated or said something misleading for every single answer he gave during the debate."

Click the links for their articles, "Presidential Debate - Trump Fact Check - Parts One and Two."



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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for covering this since our mainstream press is not reliable to think things through. In addition to the resources you have mentioned, I point out that Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is an expert on fascism. First she told us why the debates were going to play to Trump's strengths beforehand before the debate. https://lucid.substack.com/p/trump-is-using-tonights-debate-to

Then, she pointed out what is wrong with the big picture, which is that our situation is surreal. https://lucid.substack.com/p/a-debate-that-reveals-our-surreal

I have not seen the debates, nor am I likely to given the coverage. Biden is the best president in my lifetime, and my 90-year old mother who has had presidents in both Germany and the USA says the same thing. We know what good governance is. I just heard a very cynical German friend at dinner last night ask, doesn't the USA have a better democratic politician than Biden for president. I told him "NO!" We do not. And, if something happens to him I believe in Kamala Harris to run the country which the mostly sexist racist media does not. I have not heard any discussion of why we are in a good place because he has a great running mate which sickens me. I have ZERO sympathy for people who are whining about how Biden did not live up to their expectations in the debate. Well, these expectations were false. He is human, and giving Godlike status to leaders is what the Republicans are doing, Democrats are supposed to be more grounded in facts and reality. Also, treating debates like a sporting event is not appropriate. Let us hope people get over the fact that their "team" lost this one. Does not mean the team will lose the battle as long as we stick with what we stand for.

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Linda, agree about VP Kamala Harris. I’ve also had a number of voters tell me they don’t like her but they can’t verbalize why. Had another Independent voter tell me it was “racist” of her to defend the Tennessee Justin Reps!

Like you, I tell them I’ve full confidence in her abilities, as well as the rest of Team Biden, unlike the revolving door of staff of the convicted criminal’s dictatorship.

Here’s the link for those who haven’t seen VP Kamala’s amazing interview with Jimmy Kimmel:


Go Team Biden !!💙

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I think Kamala has a similar problem to Hillary. They are smarter than most people and know things! They are policy wonks rather than charismatic. And Kamala carries some baggage from her time as AG in Calif. But she has given some excellent speeches in numerous circumstances and we would be just fine if she had to take over for Joe in a year or two. The old conundrum: Running FOR office is a different skill set than running AN office.

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Strange that the same people who like Trump don’t like bright women and they especially don’t like bright women of colour. Why would that be?????

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The only two things HRC & Kamala have in common is being women. And a Black woman to boot.

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Thanks for posting the link to the Kamala Harris interview, refreshing to hear a politician speak truthfully.

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I don’t mean to be weird but do you happen to be from Pennsylvania, lived in Austin in the early nineties and moved to Cincinnati?

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Wonderful interview: Kamala is excellent! Thank you for posting the link!

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That is so excellent! She would have decimated Trump.

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

you should try to look at the transcript. Without the stutters from trying to say too much too fast, and without the cold-hoarse voice, Biden's sanity comes shining through.


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Beautifully written, Linda. Thank you, too, for the articles by Prof. Ben-Ghiat, which are stunning.

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Thank you for your comments on VP Harris. I agree.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I've finally had it up to here with the goddamned New York Times and canceled my subscription. I also canceled subscriptions to any Substack where the author wrote today that Biden should step aside. I don't need to read the bleatings of morons. (The Bulwark canceled my subscription when I wrote that Bill Kristol is still the same dumbass he was 20 years ago when he advocated us in to the Iraq War. The Bulwark went downhill when Charlie Sykes left, so no loss.)

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It would be childish to laugh out loud at your comment about the Bulwark. But I did anyway! Consider it a badge of honor be canceled by the Bulwark!

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Thanks Bob, I do. :-)

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yeah. F the NYT. I cancelled back in January. I was gobsmacked to read the editorial excerpt in this newsletter. The sane, rational person must drop out because the crazy a$$ dictator wannabe can’t be trusted to do so??

I donated to Biden yesterday for the first time ever. I’m putting on my Biden-Harris shirt and not taking it off till November 6. We’re not giving in to the pretzel logic of the NYT or the loud yelling orange idiot.

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We did the same. Canceled in April, donation immediately after the debate and getting a t shirt.

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Donated again today, too.

Next step is a lawn sign and a T-shirt!!

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Unfortunately where I live I’d be afraid to wear a Biden t-shirt. (Bakersfield CA.)

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I can't wear it either. Or Obama's or Hillary's. But I am thinking of putting back up my old Love Trumps Hate yard sign.

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I hear ya! I live in GA and there are definitely areas I would not wear it… yet. Let’s see how brave I get.

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Thank you, Sharon B in Atl, for following your conscience. I was gutted by the NYT OpEd. How dare they??!! Unconscionable. As of today, I have severed my ties with this paper, which is no longer the “paper of record” in my life. Let’s see where their greed and overblown sense of power gets them.

Thanks, too, for donating to this most important cause. We also donate to the Biden-Harris campaign every month. Every bit helps get us all closer to the prize - saving our democracy!!

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I canceled when they published that inane editorial about Joe. What the actual F?!!

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I, too, canceled NYT subscription yesterday.

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Just cancelled mine.

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I don’t think you’ll be missing much. HCR and others will let us know if their reporters come up with anything useful. They read it so we don’t have to. Pity the honest journalists working for that puzzle-and-food magazine with a newsroom attachment.

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I briefly considered resubscribing to the Times just to ask them why they weren't calling for a convicted felon to step down, but didn't. And I agree, the Bulwark isn't the same without Charlie Sykes. And didn't Bill Kristol advocate Sarah Palin, too?

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Kristol did present the Palin idea to Steve Schmidt. Another demerit in his column.

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My sister, who was a McCain fan, switched to Obama after Palin was picked as VP. Bird-brain, dingbat, and idiot were common nouns applied. I always knew who she was referring to.

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I forgot to mention that I canceled by calling, and had to take a "callback option" due to "high call volume." It took 30 minutes for the callback, so I think they're getting hit with cancellations pretty hard. Good.

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I too have hit my limit with the NYT and cancelled today. Have been donating all along and will do so again. I’m still subscribed to The Guardian. Wondering where else people like to get their news? (In addition to Hubbell and Heather Cox Richardson)

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Joyce Vance "Civil Discourse" for legal news. The Atlantic and The Bulwark, sometimes. And Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles for constant steady hope and hard work to elect Dems.

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Jay Kuo

Jess Piper

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I also wrote the editorial board and told them to stuff it.

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Cancelled mine 3 years ago as Substack became more news witthy

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If it weren’t for the NYTimes crossword puzzle and the cooking section, I would cancel my subscription in a heartbeat. Give me an alternative to those please! I don’t want to support those hacks any more. Teetering on canceling Wash. Post subscription as well.

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I'm sure there's many other options for getting xwords on line as well as cooking recipies. I encourage you to cancel your subscription to honour your principals. I cancelled mine 3 yrs ago ,was fed up then with the NYT

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Downhill is right— on heavily waxed skis! 🤮

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you again for your newsletter that helps keep us sane in this absolutely crazy election. We love Joe Biden and know we will beat that horrible person who should never have been near the Oval Office. His Supreme Court choices continue to tear apart our country. Please know that you are deeply appreciated and shared widely!

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You said it best, right here:

"Let’s keep at it and recognize that the media environment is broken, co-opted, and antithetical to democracy, decency, and normalcy. If you are shaken by the debate, that’s understandable, but we cannot give up or spread despair. Each of us has a moral responsibility to help defeat Trump. Our candidate is Joe Biden. He needs our help. He deserves it. He’s earned it."

And, HCR's LFAA was the Substack article that brought me the most comfort.


"Of far more lasting importance than this one night is the clear evidence that stage performance has trumped substance in political coverage in our era. Nine years after Trump launched his first campaign, the media continues to let him call the shots."

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

and one more quote, from JoJoFromJerz:

"And maybe Joe Biden wasn’t at the top of his game last night, maybe we had all hoped for a better performance, maybe he wasn’t perfect, but here’s the thing — he didn’t have to be.

One night is not reflective of his last four years and it is not indicative of his next four either."

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I agree that HRC really summed it up well!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Is Joe Biden still the best candidate? YES! So take a deep breath, quiet your fears and get back to work to re-elect him. Simple as that. (Oh, and then enlarge the Extreme Court.)

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We need some FDR-style court packing!

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I think President Biden did the right thing in acknowledging but not dwelling on his poor debate showing at the NC rally. I believe he should make the case that the presidency is not one person, alone, dictating policy and exchanging favor. It takes a competent, capable cadre of qualified professionals to do the job, and that's what he has assembled. It's the antidote to the "unitary executive theory" that the MAGAlomaniacs are enamored with.

As I stated in another Substack forum, "I think this is an important distinction that doesn't get enough play. President Biden surrounds himself with capable, competent, and cogent people and has restored the functionality of the executive branch that Felonious Trump decimated. If something were to happen to President Biden, things would go on and we will survive. The chaos that would ensue if something were to happen to a re-elected Trump would likely surpass the unsurvivable chaos of his renewed presidency."

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Good point Bob and we need to remind people how many Trump Administration officials have Ben convicted and or are facing trials , how many left the Administration and the incompetence of his Secretary of State and Attorney General.

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Trump has surrounded himself with capable and competent people too. It’s just that they are ruthless and evil, and aim to create a fascist empire. (Maybe it’s more accurate to say that they are like flies attracted to a dung heap - they see something in it for them.)

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I must agree about "capable," but I'm not sure about "competent." They're capable of destruction and creating chaos, but that doesn't require much competence. I think any of the competent flies around the dung heap are pulling Felonious's strings and are there for their own benefit, not his or the country's.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Agreed. I am thinking of the movie “Being There” but with Chauncey Gardiner as an evil sociopath.

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I very much appreciate your comments, Bob. They are sound and steady.

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The SCOTUS Chevron decision grabbing power away from Congress makes it absolutely imperative that Democrats win the Senate and House, get rid of the filibuster rule and enlarge the Supreme Court by 4 new Justices. Otherwise there is no trusting any corporation to adhere to safety over profit. I will not fly again while the Federal Government air safety regulations are controlled by non-expert judges and Congress. We need the administrative state to keep us (the people not the corporations) safe and economically secure.

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Joe Biden has been the greatest American President of my long lifetime. In 2020, he defeated the Nazis in the US. Against huge Nazi resistance, Joe Biden has arranged to pass massive and hugely impactful legislation. If, God willing, he can defeat the Nazis again in 2024, Joe Biden's will be the greatest American presidency ever.

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He defeated an INCUMBENT nazi, and doesn't get credit for that either.

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Yes. See the YouTube video of his amazing accomplishments: A More Perfect Truth.

Ignore the MAGA liars and destructive forces that too easily become accepted “truths” but are really right wing propaganda.

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Excellent point! I think it also plays to Biden's benefit that DJT also has a 4-year record, plus a 4-year shadow insurrection government. It just needs the media to focus on it.

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Thanks for that! I stayed up in the UK till 2am to watch and I am glad I did because I would have not have believed how strangely bad it was for Biden. Trump is a deranged bully and I want him vanquished! I was so shocked And saddened. I expected a strong man to kick Cheatolini’s tush, but Joe faltered badly. It was so painful to watch. But now, 24 hours in, as the angst disapates, I realise that it is not about personalities but about each of us choosing between good and evil each day, and fighting for the good and true and decent any way we can. Joe is not going to save us… he is doing a very good job but he is just one human. We, as it says somewhere in the bible, are not fighting against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and evil on high. This strong man delusion has captured the hearts and minds of some of humanity swayed by propaganda. I am giving The Trumpser a giant raspberry! I am going to continue to fight for truth and decency on the side of our better angels… until the tide turns.

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Exactly. We are in the "wars and rumours of wars" age. (Read Heather Cox Richardson's July 27 substack; it will ease your concerns.

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Oh great. The anti christ… the seven seals and the pale horse thing.. and the babalon woman? lots to look forward to. Sigh. 😱 Since humans emerged from the swamp or came down from the trees we have been a very barbarous lot. Two steps forward - one back. During every age the fight between good and evil continues. Often during a cultural setback I say to myself… at least the dentistry has improved now and folks hardly ever throw maidens into volcanos. Still, a lot of suffering and oppression but also a lot of kindness and joy…it’s a mystery and a work in progress. If you align yourself with the Good you make a difference. IMHO

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LOL. We have always been a violent species, confusing domination for dominion, nurture, care. But the light is also always present even when obscured by clouds.

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I agree. HCR’s “Letter…” was great. I follow her daily.

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Jun 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So much to say…. First, wow is right-Seth Abraham’s Substack is the clearest, exhaustive read on this. He is right- This is a trap.

I know this is anecdotal, but last night I looked at comments on Threads. I saw so many who were angry at the Democrats for the hand wringing. They were going to fight even harder for Biden. His “when you get knocked down, you get back up” statement was a rallying call for them also.

I really believe this needed to sink in-time to percolate before calling for only person who has ever beaten Trump to step aside and cause a civil war within the party.

It’s time to getting back to what is productive

write the postcards,

join text/phone banks

Lace up your sneakers and start canvassing.

We have an election to win.

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Thanks Theressa for taking a peak at Threads.

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From a production angle the whole thing was stacked to make Biden look bad. The lighting made his face look like a ghost. Almost every camera angle was off, accentuating his slack jawed astonishment of the lies being thrown at him. He was mostly shown in split screen. There was even a shadow that blanked the camera while he was talking. The moderators would give Trump notice of more time remaining, but they would cut away when Biden stopped with time remaining. Why they didn't have water available is insane. Apparently the no fact checking was arranhed so he could call out the lies being portrayed as accomplishments, but he was overwhelmed from the start.

HCR's article saved my day. Your added work helps the perspective. Thank you.

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There was one glaring omission in the rules of the 'debate'. CNN as well as the two parties agreed on 2 minutes for answering a question, 1 minute for rebuttal and 1 minute for moderators' clarifications (whatever that meant – it certainly wasn't used for follow-ups or calling out blatant lies). What was left out in the rules was: 'Candidates should answer questions.'

Sounds like a non-brainer, but given the known personality and MO of one of the candidates (I can't imagine him on a horse though he definitely is an expert in Gish galloping) it should have been written down in the rules.

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If Biden had tried to correct each and every lie, he would have had no time left to present his positions and accomplishments! Trump knew that. He knew that no one will ever hold him to account on anything. I am praying that Judge Merchan gives him jail time, even if it’s it just a couple weeks! But I fear Trump will be free to roam around America and destroy more of our truths. Fining him means nothing. Probation means nothing. Let him sit in a jail cell and contemplate how he can lie about that………..and let’s see all the MAGA puppets line up to talk to him with a glass partition between them and him! Maybe they’ll wear orange jumpsuits so they look like their Master.

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Interesting comments on the camera work and lighting, Matt. Thanks for that perspective!

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Great observations, Matt! I wondered about the camera’s angle and the lighting as I watched. Can both debate participants not stand straight across from the moderators? The optics were bad even before President Biden spoke his first words!

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And audio -- soundmasters ALWAYS correct for voice levels prior to recording. Major flub by Dems!!!!

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Agree with you, Matt. Standard issue physical elements were screwed up against Biden. Including sound testing before Biden took the stage. Apparently he arrived at CNN

with only 15 min to spare? Inexcusable structural mess ups by Dem campaign staff ...

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3 years of one of the most remarkable executive administrations in our lifetime, possibly in history, and people want to cut and run over 90 minutes of looking old. Wow. That’s a sad logic. I’m sticking with Joe Biden for the long run.

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Thank you, Robert. I like what Pres. Obama said. We have to get past this obsession with looks, performance. We should focus on substance. The GOP is bad for America, stop.

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And really folks let's look at the "performance". One man Joe Biden, stumbled some, got rattled a bit trying to respond to the idiocy he was hearing AND answer the question he was asked. The other guy did not answer a single question he was asked in a straight way. It was as though he didn't understand the question and he was just going to spout lies like a demented AI program, an example: he said something like, "Look at inflation in America, prices under Biden went up two or three times." I have not noticed that a 35.00 Stephen King novel is now $120. Or that a $50,000 car is now $150,000." Trump is an ignoramus and a liar.

He would love to have Biden drop out. Biden beat him once and he can do it again. The Republicans know that.

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Sorry for the math error on the King book, folks. Mea Culpa. It should be $105.

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