We enter a weekend bookended by two videos: One of the attack on Paul Pelosi and the other of the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols. Each raises troubling issues about where we are as a nation. Together, they say much about the work that lies ahead.
This weekend, let’s talk to each other—and listen to one another. I recommend starting with a comment left by a reader in response to yesterday’s newsletter. It describes his experience growing up in Memphis, Tennessee. The comment is pinned to the top of yesterday’s Comment section, here: Comments - Facebook chooses money over democracy. (substack.com).
Let’s open a new thread under the Comment section of this newsletter to discuss the events of the week. As always, be respectful and “like” comments that deserve attention from other readers (to promote those comments to the top of the thread).
Or not. If you want respite from the news over the weekend, take it. We are engaged in a generational struggle and must pace ourselves for the long run. Whichever path you choose this weekend, we must not give in or give up. We stand on the shoulders of generations who carried us to this moment. Our task is to do the same for the next generation.
Talk to you on Monday.
There is a psychosis that is truly American.
I often wonder if there are any studies being done about this. Those in other countries see it in the mass murders here. They see it in the shocking win of Trump in 2016, and have been horrified that Americans let these things happen. They still have a love affair -or fascination - with the fables that are America via films and the possibility of a better life if moving there.
The other evening some of us in Democrats Abroad Spain met via Zoom to discuss the ´state of affairs´. I had thought that we were going to be sharing ideas for what we can do, but it was really a discussion of hopelessness. I encouraged them to join this group, Heather's group, and, as an afterthought for the people in charge to share Chop Wood Carry Water.
For decades, all of us thought we were living in an amazing country. If your white, you´re safe. If you're middle class, you´re ¨rich¨. Somewhere in the 70's, without being aware, we became the frogs in an enormous pot of water. With Reagan, the stove was turned to low. It simmered as changes were being made outside of the pot where we were swimming in glorious ignorance because we felt smug and safe. Rules and laws like the Fairness Doctrine were changed or ended. Corporations were given the status of ¨people¨. We kept swimming, although the water was getting warmer.
In 1991 Rodney King was beaten. The cops were acquitted and a riot ensued. TMZ has a message from Rodney Kings daughter to the family of Tyre Nichols. Sandy Hook happened in 2012 and there was not a peep from anyone going about their daily lives. In 2015 a narcissist made fun of someone with a disability and became president of the United States - not because of the popular vote but because of the deeply flawed Electoral College. He created a crack in the carefully constructed GOP roadmap to power allowing vermin, snakes, and cons to slither in on his coat tails.
If we take the time to look back, we can see the journey to this moment. Are we going to jump from the pot and become who we think that we have been and are, or are we going to become dinner for the minority? Each American needs to own his/her responsibility in all that got us here and be brave enough to fight for every single American - black, brown, yellow, red, white, woman, man, child, LBGTQ+, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, + +++++
If not....
I believe Christians have an elevated responsibility in these days when so many attitudes are not being challenged and in fact are sometimes supported or at least tolerated by our “Christian nation.” I am a United Methodist and benefit from the writings of Rev. Benjamin Cramer, website below.
Ben posted last night, “When people are literally dying from mass shootings and police brutality in our country, but our culture just hears the loudest voices in Christianity protesting drag queens and books, we can’t expect people to believe our religion has anything to do with life conquering death.”